


Nice of you to stop by and visit us! The EINZIGARTIG daycare center is located in the middle of beautiful Bassersdorf. The proximity to the forest, the surrounding playgrounds, as well as the possibility to visit a gymnasium offer the children a variety of experiences. We care for the children in a spacious and cozy house and all children from 3 months are welcome in their uniqueness with us.

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Individual child care in our Kita EINZIGARTIG

We place a high value on the individuality of each child. Guided by their curiosity and accompanied by us, the children discover the world. Our room design allows the children to learn and discover. In various educational areas, the children make diverse learning experiences.


The kita EINZIGARTIG is easily accessible by public transport. Parking spaces are available directly in front of the building.

Kita information

Why should I bring my child to the kita?

There are many opportunities that your child can benefit from in a daycare center. The daily routine in a daycare center is a great enrichment for your child. With rituals and an established daily routine, children at the kita EINZIGARTIG learn how to deal with and share their feelings. Together they go on journeys of discovery, take on the needs of the children and broaden the horizons of all of us. At kita EINZIGARTIG in Bassersdorf, the children experience joint play activities both indoors and outdoors. By playing together, the children learn different skills and strengthen them. Individual attention to each child is very important at EINZIGARTIG. Learning skills through play enables the child to be successful in his or her future life. The needs and abilities of the children always come first. The Kita offers almost endless opportunities to meet these and to share the joy with other children. Through the different educational areas, the children at kita EINZIGARTIG are encouraged to discover new things and experience them with all their senses. The kita EINZIGARTIG proves to be an optimal place for playful, needs-oriented learning.

There are also a wide variety of equivalent options for supplementary family care. Regardless of whether they choose a supplementary family care model such as a childminder, grandparents or a daycare center, the crucial point is that they can represent this decision with conviction. Their personal attitude is sometimes the decisive factor, as your child will sense their concerns and wishes. That is why we at kita EINZIGARTIG in Bassersdorf attach great importance to getting to know each other. The door to our daycare center is always open for you to get to know each other and ask your questions. We support the care of your child in the Kita as much as possible, so that the cooperation should work hand in hand. We are always there for you and have an open ear for your wishes and concerns.

When should i register my child for a daycare place?

We gladly accept registrations for the kita EINZIGARTIG at any time. Experience shows that registration is made approximately 2-6 months before the planned start date. We recommend that you inform yourself early, as there may be bottlenecks and waiting lists. Of course, short-term and spontaneous registrations are still possible at any time at kita EINZIGARTIG in Bassersdorf. Finding an optimal solution for you and your family is our highest priority. Do not hesitate and contact us today. Let us find out more about your needs regarding supplementary family childcare.

When do children start attending the daycare center?

Most daycare centers will care for your child from the end of maternity leave (14 weeks). The kita EINZIGARTIG in Bassersdorf at Winterthurerstrasse 21 is no exception. We care for your child from the 14th week (i.e., from the end of maternity leave) until the child enters kindergarten. We are convinced that a good age mix further enriches everyday life at the kita EINZIGARTIG and offers the children new opportunities for experience.

Provide the best possible transition from pure family life to life in the kita EINZIGARTIG. How does it work?

The first and decisive step is the so-called „acclimatization“.

This is adapted to the family and above all to the child. The individual stage of development sets the pace, because the well-being of the child comes first in the kita EINZIGARTIG. Our experience shows: as individual as your child is, as individual it gets used to the new situation. Some children have little trouble with the separation from mother/father and other children need more time for this. When it comes to childcare, we adapt individually to the needs of the children. The settling-in period at kita EINZIGARTIG in Bassersdorf, at Winterthurerstrasse 21, should be a positive experience for the child, parents and educators, so that the child can feel completely at ease in the daycare center. Again and again we are pleased to accompany this stage of life with new families.

What do children eat in kita EINZIGARTIG?

Daycare centers pursue different concepts in the preparation and design of meals. As is so often the case, the offers are as varied as the children. At our kita EINZIGARTIG in Bassersdorf, seasonal and varied nutrition is a top priority, in addition to the needs of the children. A trained chef prepares fresh menus for the children every day. This also includes baby food. The baby food is prepared with various seasonal fruits and vegetables. Depending on the age and needs of the child, the porridges are supplemented with different carbohydrates, fish or meat. Older children are allowed to help prepare meals and gain a comprehensive relationship with food. Children are curious, easily excited, and have an urge to explore. The children can take responsibility when preparing meals and at the same time gain a lot of self-confidence. The menus at kita EINZIGARTIG are colorful, varied and adapted to the wishes of the parents and the seasonal offer.

What kind of education do employees in our daycare center have?

Motivated and inquisitive personalities are faced with the possibility of a wonderful training in a nursery after compulsory schooling. This profession, like no other, combines passion with passion and enthusiasm. It is a very beautiful and exciting profession that brings a lot of joy and unforgettable moments. Most daycare centers in the canton of Zurich, such as in the kita EINZIGARTIG in Bassersdorf offer an internship, which has the goal that you can find out whether the profession in the daycare center, as with us at Winterthurerstrasse 21 in Zurich, is the right thing. We invest a lot of time and effort to find the right candidates. Working with young, motivated people and providing them with adequate support is close to our hearts. Following the internships, there is the possibility of a three-year apprenticeship, which leads to a diploma as „childcare specialist“ or „childcare specialist“. As there are many other interesting career opportunities after this, our profession often attracts determined and motivated individuals. Supporting our employees and providing them with further training is another important concern for us. At kita EINZIGARTIG in Bassersdorf, this is possible in many areas. The training of apprentices and the close cooperation with team colleagues offers an exciting environment to exchange ideas and to promote talents. At kita EINZIGARTIG, the employees with the greatest potential are supported in their further training to become daycare center managers. When recruiting staff for childcare, we can draw on the extensive know-how of experienced professionals and recruit suitable staff for the kita EINZIGARTIG. In this way, we meet exactly the right personalities who fit our kita EINZIGARTIG at Winterthurerstrasse 21 in 8303 Bassersdorf, as they guarantee the best possible care for your child. We look forward to welcoming your child to kita EINZIGARTIG in Bassersdorf and to growing and developing together with him or her.